Friday, February 21, 2014

My Weekly Gift To You....2/3rds Wednesday's

My two kids are given a precious gift each week during the school year, courtesy of the local public school system.  Early dismissal Wednesday's. How cool is that? Every week, they run shortened class periods on Wednesday, in order for school to let out approximately two hours early.

Why a weekly early dismissal?

"Supposedly" for the teachers in each department to come together and "plan/discuss" how the teaching is going, where to readjust curricula, and maybe to have a once-a-week blowout beer and pizza party in the library (just guessing, it's how I'd spend that time!)

So it is no surprise I was chatting with my high-school freshman daughter last night about how I would like to have early dismissal once-a-week in my job (something like 2 pm on a Wednesday), to "plan/discuss/readjust", and maybe grab an early beer (just calling early dismissal for what it really is). 

She then says to me, "You need to become an entrepreneur.  You need an idea."

Pause...And Dream With Me

Yeah, that's the ticket! I have an idea.  


Geez, this idea stuff is easy.  Americans are all cheering loudly right now.  They all need time to "plan/discuss/readjust".  And grab a beer.  We can meet at the local pub/tavern to do what we need to do (those workers get off early on Thursday.  Someone has to serve the drinks.  Don't think I didn't see that potential flaw in my idea and close it pretty quickly). Of course, happy hour is still designated to begin at 3:00 pm each everyone has informal early dismissal then already.  Nightime worker shift?  You get to organize a team, utilizing my unflawed line of thinking to determine what works best for you. My guess is you want to join us at the pub Wednesday too. 

As a newly hailed entrepreneur, I am going to need your help though.  I just can't give these ideas out for free. This idea has to be sustainable and revenue generating in order for me to pay the bills.  No worries - I'll be setting up donation accounts at and  With your generous financial support, I'll have time to come up with more great ideas that can benefit all of us.  I'm already thinking about Funday as the new day to follow Wednedsay.  That's the new mini mid-week weekend, 'cause when you combine it with our new 2/3rds Wednesday early dismissal benefit, lots of PTO will be used for all Wednesday, and viola, I've created the new 4 day work week (a week now being 8 days).  You can see I've given this a lot of thought.

Ok, gotta stop dreaming now. Otherwise I won't have anything to do next Wednesday at 2:00 pm. I'll save you a spot at my pub table.

Missed last week's posts?  Catch up on the fun here:

I Love You...But Your Trash...   and    Break Out Your Inner Olympian! I have.

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