Saturday, March 22, 2014

Making History....I'm Gonna Be On The Ellen DeGeneres show!

By now you know I am a DREAMER!  Today, we are gonna make history. But I'm going to need a lot of help. Your help.  What are we going to do?  Better yet, you are already probably asking yourself, "Ken, tell me what I need to do? I am ready to go all-in, just because you need me."  Don't want to put words into your mouth, but that's that spirit!!!  I need to give you some Background first, before I share the Action Plan, and The Record.  Read on, 'cause by the end, you'll be chomping at the bit to help.  Oh, and as always, I save a surprise twist for the end.  For you.
The Background
You probably saw that a few weeks ago Ellen DeGeneres broke some sort of record by having a celebrity selfie photo taken at the Oscars (photo to the left) retweeted more times than anybody previously.  I think it hit somewhere around 3 million, maybe more.  But seriously how could this photo be really complete with celebrities with Matthew McConaughey missing. Alright alright alright! 
Now, the selfie photo itself is rather funny. That Ellen is darn creative, and for my money, she is way more genuine than all of her talk show predecessors.  But what you may not have seen was the selfie version taken from the backside. Oh, poor Liza Minnelli (in the blue dress).  She absolutely got squeezed out of the photo that is famous for how it has reached around the world. Relevancy apparently matters in show-biz, and Liza didn't make the cut.

In truth, I wasn't really impressed with the photo. Sure, it contained a bunch of good looking people who make millions of dollars every year.  But it didn't really float my boat.  I don't go all goo-goo and ga-ga over celebrities. I could pass one of the street, look at them, and go on as if it really didn't matter. I'm not one to run up to them and ask them for an autograph. I'm not going to stalk them to see what they do next. And I really don't have an interest in going up to them and asking to have a personal selfie taken.
Unless.......I see Jennifer Aniston, Julianne Hough or Diane Lane. Then all bets are off and I'll likely be arrested. There are always exceptions.  I am allowed to have a top five list are right? I mean if it could work for Ross on Friends, why can't I have one? And I only have three names on my list! 
Of course, I need a spot on the list for my wife. Duh. And I'd be hard pressed to come up with one more celeb (I type in willingly as my wife peers in over my shoulder).  

Anyway, I got to thinking to during one of my dreaming moments, What type of photo could actually garner more attention and subsequent action than one with Bradley, Angelina, Brad, Angelina, Julia, and JLaw? 

It needs to be a photo that anybody can relate to, no matter how old a person is.  What is a photo that anyone could look at and smile about?  (I know, besides Jennifer, Julianne and Diane.  It's good to see that you are tracking with me though....)

I have the photo.  One that will bring our the inner child in all of us.  It is one that has a collection of the most popular cartoon characters of all time.  A Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck or Goofy fan?  Check.  Sponge Bob? Check.  Barney Rubble your man? Check.  Some obscure characters? Oh, they are here as well.

Pause...And Dream With Me

We are going to reach millions of people with my request of you.  You see, I need your help because I only have about 230 Facebook friends, of which about 37 are active.  (Yes, that is you, faithful readers of my 6 blog posts).   My network is enough to start a viral movement, but not enough to carry it over the top. 

Oh sure, I could also tap into my extensive group of Twitter followers, but that would mean I'd need to tweet more than two times, and have more than 12 followers.  Yes, I know it is pathetic, but if you can't tell, I don't have time for Twitter.  Limiting me to 140 characters would be....well....limiting.  And I am not into self promotion. That's where you come in :)

But I am willing to bet on you and your extended networks. Because of you, we could get hundreds of people to read this post and smile and THEN LIKE IT, in a matter of hours.   Yes, I know....they will smile because there are awesome photos of Jennifer, Julianne and Diane here.

And for the ladies, I am going to throw in a gratuitous photo of Matthew (thinking he may be on some of your top 5 lists. Or is he the one???)

Anyhooo.....all in your network may actually LIKE IT this blog post on Facebook, because of my action plan.

Imagine if every child today between the ages of two and 10 had a Facebook account (your kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews, cousins). Or that they followed me on Twitter. By pimping out the kids, they would be able to Share this post on Facebook, or retweet it on Twitter.  My cartoon photo would make it around the globe.  Being a big dreamer, I think we'd hit more than 3 million in a matter of minutes! 
Now, it doesn't hurt that I've sexed it up with photos Jennifer, Julianne and Diane (and Matthew). But that's besides the point.  However, if getting you to take the actions I list out below requires me to post a photo of someone in your top 5, just Comment at the bottom of this post, and consider it done!  I am not above selling out to set a record.
But of course my thinking is flawed. Using kids as my launching pad to a record is uncalled for. 
Instead I need to rely on you… The few, faithful, avid followers who like to read the drivel that I put out periodically. 
The Action Plan 
If you've gotten this far in reading this blog (I know you have, because you want to see how I pull this altogether!) I have a simple ask of you.  
  1. Be BOLD, and share this blog on Facebook (if that's how you're reading it) with your Friends.  Click the Share button, show the Cartoon photo - it'll suck in your network into reading more right away.  My heading will tell them they are going to help set a record.  Viola!  And the photos will make it look like they are reading People magazine.
  2. Like this post via Facebook. I bet you I can get something like at least 13 likes within the next 24 hours. That in itself will be a record (of the 7 posts so far).  Likes help me track engagement.  Or some crap like that. 
  3. Once that happens we are on our way, and together we can watch the impact of my grand plan.
  4. Oh, and write a Comment below (they are anonymous), or on Facebook with this post, with the Top 5 photo you want me to add-in, because it will bring an extra BIG smile to your face, and maybe a little tingle in your nether regions....
The Record
How will we know we have a world record of outreach?  It's the counter I have on the right side of my blog. Every visit registers as a page view. I may be at about 540 or so right now, but within the next 24 to 48 hours when this type of post goes viral through all your extended networks, we're going to see that creep into the thousands… No tens of thousands… No millions…. McDonald's, watch out, we're coming.  Billions baby, billions.
That is the power of the social network!!  One great post (just go with it), one great team, one great idea of sucking them in with a cartoon photo, and then lots of smiles because of Jennifer, Julianne, Diane and Matthew.  People won't be able to resist the LIKING and the SHARING.  Don't deny human nature people.....

An Even Bigger Dream!
But for true big time outreach. I have an even bigger goal. Sure we can reach 3 - 4 million people overnight (have you Shared yet?  Geez, simple ask.  Do it.), but...
I am hoping that Ellen sees this post.  I hope that Ellen will share it on her Facebook page and ask her millions of followers to then share it. OMG! Can you imagine that?  Your networks will have started the craze, but....

Ellen is the big time. She has 4.4 Million followers!

I may not be a celebrity stalker, but if she just happened to invite me to be on her show because of what started here today...

I would ask for a selfie with her. In my book, she's right up there with Julianne, Diane, and Jennifer.  She's the 5th spot on my list.
And it doesn't hurt that she happens to be great friends with Jennifer! 
Wow, this dream keeps getting better....

1 comment:

  1. Who would have thought that when I tucked you in at night that you were such a BIG dreamer?
