Sunday, April 20, 2014

Do You Dream in the Bathroom?

 I've already shared that I enjoy People Watching.  It is a passive hobby from which I derive great pleasure.   But lets face it, at times there is nobody interesting to look at.  When that happens I turn into a Thinker.  When I start Thinking, I become dangerous. The Thinking turns into Dreaming, and the Dreaming turns into Writing.  And then there is a new Pause....And Dream With Me moment.

There are other times when my Thinking is at its best. One of those is when I am running.  Lots of quiet time with music playing through my headphones, and I start to compose a story in my head.  Another time is when there is peace and quiet in the bathroom.   Or when I am driving alone in the car over an extended distance.

And so it happened this week on the way to the airport. The radio was tuned to ESPN and "Mike & Mike In The Morning" when they broke for a commercial for a product I never heard of before. 

The Squatty Potty.

Not remarkable in itself, until the tagline was read by the announcer....The Squatty Potty makes going to the bathroom a dream.

What?  You gotta be shi**ing me?  Our experience can be better than it already is???  And they are bringing Dreams into play??? Crap, we've been missing out all these years!  You should not settle for less!  You should "Reap the Rewards" (website has an Infographic like image explaining how)

All you need to do is purchase a The Squatty Potty, and in Disney like fashion, your bathroom dreams will come true!

Pause....And Dream With Me

......Hello?? Are you still there????  Or have you already gone to your "Winnie-The-Pooh Thoughtful spot" to ponder a purchase?  Maybe more than one?  If you visit the home page, you will be sold (like I was) by the headings of:
  • Squatting Concept (check out the subheaders....infographic under 1st link)
  • Success Stories (some of them are a real stinker)
  • Doctor endorsements (Independent reviews?  Checking out our handiwork???)
  • Videos (I'm not going there...)
Why didn't I come up with this concept for a product?  I could be rich and retired by now.  Alas, I am relegated to go back to my Thoughtful Spot for the NEXT BIG THING.  At least I can do so in comfort, thanks to the Squatty Potty.

And to think....that announcer had me at hello....

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