Monday, June 2, 2014

Dreams Do Come True...Maybe

For the past few years I've had this dream to run across the Grand Canyon (GC).  A bucket list item. A big dream and maybe a bit unrealistic.  Not just to run from one rim to the other, but then back again.  Maybe in the same day, but more likely the next.  Total of about 48 miles.  There is a small window of time when it is safest to make this crossing - late May, or late September/early October, when the North Rim is open to the public (due to its 8000 ft elevation and cold/snow, it is only accessible by vehicle from May 15 to early October).  Any other time for a GC run is discouraged due to the heat in the canyon.

After our move to Colorado last year, I started thinking about the GC more. We even planned a family trip to visit the GC this June and secured some of the limited lodging on the hard to reach North Rim, where we are going to do a 3 hour mule ride into the canyon. Fun times! Then last week we got an extra day on the South Rim to view the canyon from a different perspective.  Lots of good sight-seeing time and breath-taking views are in our future.

Since winter, I have also been training for my 2nd Transrockies run. More fun times!  I;ve been getting in good hill and distance work, and not overdoing it.  Unfortunately, shin splints and other ailments in my right leg/foot have set me back these past few weeks, and have me walking/cycling more than running. I'm not a happy camper right now.

So last week I was reading up on what else we could do at the GC, and simultaneously thinking about when in my life I might get back to do this dream run.  I'm not getting any younger and have many other sights to see!  I read many stories about people who run Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim in a day, or take a more leisurely pace to hike across the canyon over 1 - 4 days.  But multiple days requires a backcountry permit to camp in the National Park, or a reservation at the famed Phantom Ranch at the canyon bottom (20 bunks for men, 20 for women).  Reservations can be made 13 months in advance, and sell out fast.  I am not really a camper, nor a hiker.  I want to run.  But last weekend, two weeks before our trip, I decided to take a chance and submitted an on-line reservation request for one night at Phantom Ranch, on the one day where a crossing would even be possible.  And by possible, I mean I would cross the GC on foot, while my wife and kids travel from North to South Rim via car and sightsee (in a nicely air conditioned vehicle).  They don't want to participate my big dream, but they support it! And by support it, I mean roll their eyes. Maybe tolerate my whims is a better phrase.

Last Tuesday afternoon, I called to see if any openings might be available.  They said none were, and that cancellations were rare. I understood.  20 beds, 13 months in advance. Poor planning on my part.  It was a Hail Mary call at best.

Last Tuesday night I was sitting in the family room checking my email.  And I grunted something audible AND highly intelligent, like "huh". 

My wife and daughter saw a puzzled look on my face and asked what was wrong.  I don't remember my exact reply, but in retrospect I think I sounded like Frank from Everybody Loves Raymond...."HOLY CRAP!"

I won the lottery. I secured an overnight reservation.

But as my wife put it that night, I was really experiencing, "my personal oh sh*t moment!"


Hike 14 miles downhill one day, dropping 6000 feet in elevation.  Stay overnight with 19 new friends on the bank of the Colorado river and Bright Angel Creek.  Hike another 10 miles - gaining 5000 feet in elevation - the next day.  Leave my family around 6 am on day one, meet up with them around noon the next.  And hopefully sooner - we have other vacation plans!

I know what they are really thinking - "Finally, a real family vacation!"  They are going to enjoy not having to stick to a schedule for at least a day (THINK EUROPEAN VACTION - Hey Look kids, there's Big Ben, there's Parliment!).  Heck, by the time I arrive they'll still be having a late breakfast!

Back to the email.  I really didn't believe it.  So I called the next day to confirm. Sure enough, I hit the lottery!  Holy crap!

I wasn't expecting this, but it probably couldn't have occured at a better time. What better way to stay in shape than a 24 mile jaunt.  Probably just like hot yoga - Grand Canyon style!  I've never truly hiked in my life, so I am approaching this like an endurance trail run - good trail shoes, a 100 oz Camelback backpack, and all the other little essentials necessary to make this a success.  And a new pair of hiking poles!

  • To say I am excited is an understatement. 
  • To say I am nervous is realistic.
  • To say this was a stroke of luck is spot on (Luck = Preparation + Opportunity)
If I don't try this now, I would be beating myself up for not taking advantage of this moment.  As I write this, it still may not happen as my leg/foot was not great this weekend (I'd put it at 50/50 as of now, but 90/10 with my heart).  There are other variables too:  how the weather is, how much I sleep this week, whether I get it sworn in blood the family will meet me on the other side. Variables.

Pause....And Dream With Me

....just dream with me.  What an opportunity.

....and pray for me.  I am not going to be 100%.

....and send good mojo my way.  Or cash.  Cash is always welcome.

....and I am going to bring a friend with me for inspiration. I think she'd enjoy the effort and the view.  KEIYH

Hoping I'll see you on the other side as the result of a hike!